<Anchor> An

entrance exam academy instructor was arrested on charges of illegally filming by installing a camera in the women's bathroom.

There are more than 10 victims, including students.

This is TBC reporter Park Jung.


Mr. A works at an entrance examination academy in Daegu.

She received a call from the police that a hidden camera of herself was found in the women's bathroom inside the academy.

The culprit is a fellow academy instructor, Mr. B in his 30s.

In Mr. B's house, dozens of videos of secretly filming women using the academy's bathroom were found.

[Mr A / Victim woman: Can a person be like this?

We smiled and said hello to us, and it's a lot of regret that I couldn't do my daily life properly because I had to do something like this, so I was suspicious and anxious.]

The culprit took advantage of the fact that the washbasin and toilet are installed in one compartment like this. So, I deceived the victims by leaving the camera in this carrying pouch, and more than 10 women were victims of this illegal filming.

Mr. B, who took the hidden camera, even set up a school with his name on it, and it was revealed that he continued to commit crimes using the same method until the beginning of this year.

Most of the victims are middle and high school students.

A colleague who was in the same office as the student who was taking Mr. B's class was unable to go to the public restroom after the incident and is receiving psychiatric counseling.

[C / Victim woman: After watching that (hidden camera) video, he probably didn't see me.

What do you think when you look at me?

I can't go to the outside toilet at all, and I avoid places with a lot of people.]

Mr. B was arrested and charged with violating the Sexual Violence Punishment Act and is currently awaiting sentencing in the first trial.