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A 20-year-old soccer coach who was reported as a child abuse suspect was found dead and the police launched an investigation. 

According to the Wonmi Police Station in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, today (15th), at around 10:40 the night before, coach A of the soccer classroom was found collapsed on the first floor outside the soccer classroom building in the Middle East of Bucheon. 

A was taken to the hospital by the 119 paramedics, but was already dead. 

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The police analyzed the CCTV footage inside the building and confirmed that Mr. A went up to the roof alone around 8:30 the night before.

A's cell phone was found on the roof of the building. 

It was found that A was reported as a child abuse suspect by throwing a ball at the back of a 7-year-old child during a soccer class the day before. 

The police are investigating the exact circumstances of Mr. A's body, such as requesting an autopsy from the National Institute of Forensic Sciences.