The court sentenced a 30-year-old man accused of calling his ex-girlfriend 1,23 times in 24 days and sending messages that cause fear and anxiety to another account when KakaoTalk was blocked.

Judge Lee Ji-soo of the Wonju Branch of the Chuncheon District Court announced today (11th) that he sentenced A (38), who was charged with violating the Act on the Punishment of Stalking Crimes, to one year in prison.

He also ordered the completion of a 40-hour stalking treatment program.

B (38), who had broken up with her girlfriend B (38), after breaking up with her, was blocked from receiving her phone number and KakaoTalk account with the words, 'Don't contact me anymore and don't come to me'.

Then, on March 1 of this year, while waiting in front of Mr. B's house in Wonju City, Mr. A pursued Mr. B when he found him, and allegedly harassed Mr. B by calling him 1,23 times over 24 days from the next day to the 25th of the same month. were brought to trial, etc.

On the 14th of the same month, he knocked on the door of Mr. B's house and waited with a candy basket hanging on the doorknob. Added to the notice.

Even after receiving the court's decision to take interim measures to prevent texting or phone calls, he appeared in court on suspicion of failing to implement even interim measures, such as calling and sending messages 25 times.

The judge said, "The defendant's guilt is not light in light of the content, frequency, and duration of the stalking act." .

(Photo = Yonhap News)