American railroad BART has become a hot topic by hiring 'raptors' to get rid of troublesome pigeons.

The American railroad BART, which connects San Francisco to nearby cities, has been plagued with pigeon problems for years.

This is because pigeons flocked to the train station to build their nests, and bird droppings and feathers fell all over the station.

As a result, bacteria, fungi and ectoparasites that can be transmitted to humans also emerged as problems.

In response, Bart set up nets and erected a model of an owl to get rid of pigeons, but nothing chased the pigeons.

Station manager Wahid Mamiri said, "I've tried everything, but nothing has been successful." 

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Eventually, in May, Bart decided to hire a 'raptor', the dove's natural enemy.

They commissioned a bird control service provider (Falcon Force) to get rid of pigeons, and they hired 'Harris Hawk' named 'Pac-Man'.

'Harris hawk' is known as a bird of prey that is perfect for pigeon keepers because of its unique intelligence, sociability, and patience among various species of hawks.

Hired 'Pac-Man' and his trainer, Ricky Ortiz, work around the station three times a week, eight hours a day, to drive out pigeons. 

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"On the first day there were pigeons everywhere, but after a week the number has decreased significantly," said trainer Ortis.

When pigeons in history recognize this place as a hawk's nest due to the activities of 'Pac-Man', they slowly move to their homes and successfully exterminate them.

On the other hand, in addition to the US railroad bart, major train stations in London, England, and the Wimbledon tennis tournament have appointed 'Harris Hawk' as an official watchman and are known to block the access of pigeons.