Recently, in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul and Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, so-called love bugs and swarms of insects called love bugs are on the rise.

Love bugs are classified as beneficial insects because they act as decomposers in the ecosystem, but citizens are complaining about inconvenience due to their excessive numbers and habit of flying to people.

Because it is weak against insecticides, it is said that you can see the control effect even with a spray-type insect repellent that is generally used at home.

Because the activity speed is slow, anything that gets into the house can be treated with a vacuum cleaner. Mixing three tablespoons of mouthwash with a cup of water and orange or lemon juice has a repelling effect. can be seen.

In particular, when it dies, it becomes acidic, which can stain the car and impair the radiator's function.

In areas where there is a lot of damage, it is recommended to apply wax to the car to prevent damage.