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 A customer using a delivery app is being criticized for making unreasonable demands, such as asking for a bunch of wipes while ordering food. 

Self-employed Mr. A told an online community on the 29th the story of customer B, who placed an absurd order several times through a delivery app.

 According to Mr. A, a month ago, Mr. B, ordering food worth 11,000 won, which is the minimum order amount, responded to the request, "It's the first time I'm eating this with my child, so pay more attention to hygiene and bring 8 wet tissues, napkins, and straws." wrote.

Mr. A immediately canceled the order, but received a similar request again from Mr. B, who ordered food a month later.

In the order request, it was written, "I will eat it with my child, so please pay more attention to hygiene. Please bring 20 wet tissues, 1 cup of hot water, and some napkins." 

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Person A said, "I canceled the order again, and the delivery app contacted me." He said, "The customer asked why I canceled it, so I read Mr. B's request as it was, and (the employee of the delivery app) laughed." 

However, Mr. B continued to order food from Mr. A's shop after that.

Mr. B thought that the order was canceled due to the number of wipes, so he changed his request, saying, "Please bring a cup of hot water, wipes, and a lot of napkins." 

When Mr. A canceled the order again, this time he removed the wet tissue from the request and wrote, "Please bring a cup of hot water and a lot of napkins," and ordered again. 

However, Mr. A also canceled this order, and Mr. B stopped ordering delivery only then. 

Mr. A said, "If you are this patient, you might call the store, but they don't." He said, "It's really creepy." 

Netizens who heard the story criticized Mr. B with comments such as "I also raise children, but not that", "I wonder what kind of person it is to order 20 wet tissues", "Why the hell are you asking for hot water?" 

(Photo=Online community 'I'm the boss because I'm sick')