A woman in her 20s who transferred and stole 100 million won worth of virtual currency from the man's cell phone after making a man he met through a chatting app drink a drink with sleeping pills was sentenced to imprisonment.

The 12th Criminal Division of the Suwon District Court (Chief Judge Hwang In-seong) sentenced 20-year-old A, who was charged with robbery, injury and intimidation, to five years in prison.

The court said, "The defendant found out through a chatting application that the victim possessed a large amount of virtual currency. "After the crime, the information of spouses and acquaintances was saved in case the victim reported it to the police, and when the victim asked for the money back, he even threatened to expose the facts of prostitution."

He continued, "If you look at the pattern of criminal activity and the size of the profit, the quality of the crime in this case is very poor." There is a high possibility of condemnation for making false statements to innocence the victim and even causing confusion in the investigation.”

On June 10, last year, at 11:43 pm at a motel in Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 43-year-old Mr. B, whom he met through a chatting app, had him drink a drink containing sleeping pills. When he lost it, he was charged with transferring 110 million won worth of virtual currency to his account using his mobile phone.

Person A intercepted the virtual currency by placing B's finger on the mobile phone and fingerprint authentication.

After that, when Mr. B, who had come to her senses, protested about the transferred virtual currency, Mr. A threatened 19 times that he would disclose her meeting with herself.