The story of the owner who forgave the driver who collided with his car received an unexpected gift from the perpetrator of the accident was revealed.

Yesterday (the 6th), an article titled 'Contact accident and proceeding results in the parking lot of the house' was posted on an online community.

According to the article, author A received a call from an unknown number one day while taking a week off before changing jobs, saying, "I accidentally scratched my car in an apartment parking lot."

Person B, who caused the accident, said, "I was working on food delivery and the part that came out of the direction indicator on the back of the truck got caught in the car. I'm so sorry." Said.

Mr. A's car was in a state where the license plate and support were dented and the bumper was slightly scratched.

After going to the repair shop and repairing the car, Mr. A sent a text message to Mr. B, saying, "The parts and repair costs are short, so I will just pay for them. Please drive carefully from now on."

To this, Mr. B replied, "Thank you. If it's not rude, please tell me what building and what house you live in. I would like to offer you even a small sincerity."

When Mr. A joked, "If you give me a chocolate pie, I will accept it. I will decline anything else." Mr. B said, "There is no chocolate pie, but I can provide you with chocolate, sweets, dish soap, shampoo, and body wash."

Mr. A said "It's okay", but Mr. B showed his sincerity by putting a box of snacks in front of Mr. A's house.

Mr. A, who found the snack box, thanked Mr. B, saying, "There are no major scratches on the body, and the repair cost is low.

Netizens who heard the story of Mr. A showed reactions such as "It's a heartwarming story for a warm spring", "If you give to others, it will surely come back", "The world will be beautiful if there are only these people."

When his post drew attention, Mr. A explained, "Thank you for your interest. Actually, Choco Pie was just a word, but the person who bought it gave me so many presents, so I was surprised and my wife was also surprised."

Then he said, "Thanks to you, I checked the car, but I'm rather sorry that I received a big deal. I will continue to take the lead in helping others."

This is a 'news pick'.

(Photo=Online Community 'Bae Dream')