A man was arrested by the police after leaving a message asking him to meet him while depositing 1 won into his ex-lover's account.

Gwangju Gwangsan Police Station announced on the 24th that it had booked A on charges of violating the Act on the Punishment of Stalking Crimes.

Person A is accused of inflicting emotional violence on her ex-girlfriend, Mr. B, by continuously trying to approach him.

It is known that he deposited KRW 1 into the account of Mr. B several times and left a phrase requesting a one-sided meeting, such as 'Please meet again' instead of the name of the depositor.

The Stalking Punishment Act, which went into effect in October last year, includes not only direct access to the other party, but also sending messages or videos through information and communication networks.

If these actions are continued and repeated, criminal penalties may be imposed.