
Civic groups have reported Coupang to the Fair Trade Commission.

It seems that Coupang mobilized its employees to fabricate its own brand product reviews, but Coupang countered that it was a false claim.

Reporter Park Ye-rin reports.

<Reporter> This

is a purchase review on a self-branded product launched by a subsidiary of Coupang.

By clicking on this reviewer, you can easily find 5-star reviews written by repeat purchases of certain products in bulk.

In 38 days, this author purchased 210 liters of cat litter.

I bought it several times a day or repurchased it in two days. 

The content is praiseworthy.

There are reviews such as “I am very satisfied” and “I think you can order again with confidence,” but consumer civic groups reported it to the Fair Trade

Commission, saying that they understood that it was written by Coupang employees, not actual consumers. [Kwon Oh-hyeon/Executive member of the Solidarity of Participation:


write reviews as if they were real reviews and upload several photos. Most of the ratings are out of 5. And the most decisive thing is 10. About 4,200

people are clicking the 'Helpful' button.]

16 brands and 4,200 products are the self-branded products that organizations are taking issue with.

In response, Coupang explained, "A very small portion of reviews (purchasing reviews) written by employees must indicate who wrote them.

He added that if civic groups continue to make false claims, legal action will be considered.

The Fair Trade Commission said it would review the report and investigate whether there were any violations.

(Video coverage: Park Dae-young, Kang Dong-cheol, video editing: Jo Moo-hwan, VJ: Kim Jong-gap)