An 18-year prison sentence has been confirmed for the CEO of an emergency patient transport company who assaulted and killed a paramedic for 12 hours.

The second part of the Supreme Court (Chief Judge Jo Jae-yeon) announced that it had dismissed the appeal of Mr.

The command to attach the tracking electronics for 10 years is also in place.

In December 2020, paramedic B (then 44 years old) was driving an ambulance at his company's office in December 2020 and had a car accident.

As a result of the investigation, Mr. A made the victim B to take a 'restoring' posture, kicked while swearing, and when Mr. B was unable to walk and fell, he continued the crime saying, "I'm acting again. I can't go home today." revealed.

B, who lost consciousness from shock, is also accused of sleeping while leaving him on the unheated office floor.

In the courtroom, Mr. A argued, "It was my intention to continue to obey and work." He argued, "I only assaulted the left thigh without using a dangerous object, but there was no motive or intention to kill."

The court of first instance judged that Mr. B, who had been assaulted for 5 hours until dawn a month before the incident, even caused an ambulance accident in the hospital parking lot, and was in a state of mind that could not resist or defend against the assault.

He was sentenced to 18 years in prison, saying, "In light of the intensity, repeatability, and temporal continuity of the violence inflicted on the victim, it is clear that the method of the crime was brutal and that the victim must have suffered extreme physical and mental suffering."

The second trial maintained the same judgment, and the Supreme Court confirmed the punishment, considering that there were no problems with the lower court's judgment, such as misunderstanding of the law.

(Photo = provided by Yonhap News TV, Yonhap News)