
A 500-year-old protected tree that was almost abandoned due to redevelopment returned to its hometown after many twists and turns, but it burned down in the process of replanting.

At the time of the fire, there was only one worker, so it was not enough to put out the fire.

This is KNN Correspondent Jo Jin-wook.


A large 8-meter-tall tree was engulfed in flames.

The arborist, who was helping the transplant, hurriedly sprinkles the soil, but to no avail.

The tree that caught fire was a 500-year-old fig tree that was transplanted to Sasang Neighborhood Park in Busan.

The fire was caused by sparks from welding during dismantling of the supports.

At that time, there was only one worker at the site because it was lunch time.

A water truck was also waiting nearby, but it was of no use because there were no workers.

Oxygen cylinders and gas cylinders were also piled up in the truck next to the tree, which almost caused a bigger accident.

In the end, it went out in 10 minutes, already after the wood had been blackened.

[Yoon Seok-rak / Senior Researcher, Gyeongsang National University Tree Diagnosis Center: It is rare that the entire tree catches fire.

Because there is nothing wrapped around the tree in the general natural state.]

This tree, which is about 500 years old, was transplanted three years ago from a local redevelopment project as if it was thrown away to a farm in Jinju.

The competent local government even made an old tree management ordinance to promote their return, but unfortunately, they returned to their hometown and got angry.

Residents who have been waiting for the final exam are just shocked.

[Song Dong-jun / Resident of Jurye-dong, Busan: Even now, I feel so desperate and lost my parents.



The Sasang-gu Office plans to hold the landscaping company accountable and save the tree, but it seems difficult to revive the already charred old tree.