
As the number of confirmed cases increases, it has become common for family members living together to contract the coronavirus.

Then, there are a lot of questions about how to quarantine in the house and when people who live with you should be tested.

This content will be explained in detail by reporter Jeong Da-eun.


Let's take a family of four with parents and children as an example.

Assume that one of the parents is confirmed.

The confirmed person is quarantined for 7 days whether or not they have been vaccinated.

From the date of sample collection, i.e. the date of testing.

Another family member gets a text message from the health center asking them to get a PCR test.

If you do not receive a text message, you can capture the text received by the confirmed person and present it at the time of the test.

Even if they test negative, they are quarantined for 7 days.

Your spouse can't go to work, and your children can't go to school.

However, there is an exception to this.

You can go to work and go to school within 90 days after the 2nd dose, or if you have the 3rd dose.

You can also go to a pharmacy to get medicine for a confirmed family member.

There are not many cases of infection between family members, and to prevent this, the space must be thoroughly separated.

Bedding and towels are shared separately, and you shouldn't eat rice together.

If unavoidable, wear a mask and gloves.

If a small child has been confirmed, it is recommended that one of the parents take full care of it.

Separate the two as much as possible.

It is basic to ventilate the house 3 times a day for at least 10 minutes.

After 7 days of quarantine, they will not undergo PCR testing and will be released from quarantine.

After 7 days, the transmission power disappears.

Families living together are tested for PCR on the 6th to 7th day, whether quarantined or not.

But if you have symptoms, you get it right away.

What if another family member living with you is confirmed before the quarantine is lifted?

Only additional confirmed cases will be quarantined for 7 days, and other family members, including the first confirmed case, will not be quarantined again.

However, for three days after the quarantine is lifted, you must always wear a mask and refrain from gatherings.

(CG: Jinki Kim)