Yannick Florentine 4:20 p.m., February 17, 2022

“Alexia Daval, our daughter”: Christophe Hondelatte devotes two unpublished stories to the Daval affair on February 21 and 22, 2022 in Hondelatte tells, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Europe 1, recorded in Gray at Isabelle and Jean-Pierre Fouillot, parents of 'Alexia Daval.

Taken from the book by Isabelle and Jean-Pierre Fouillot "Alexia, our daughter" (Editions Robert Laffont) and recorded at their home in Gray (Haute-Saône), these two episodes tell the Daval affair "from their point of view ".

Christophe Hondelatte thus tells the story of their blindness to their son-in-law and their fight so that their daughter is never considered "somewhat responsible" for her death.

Isabelle and Jean-Pierre Fouillot

will be Christophe Hondelatte's guests during these two episodes.

  • Monday February 21: “Alexia Daval, our daughter” – episode 1.

This first episode retraces the Daval affair, from the disappearance of Alexia until the moment when the first doubts concerning Jonathann appear among the relatives.

But not yet in the minds of Alexia's parents….

  • Tuesday February 22: “Alexia Daval, our daughter” – episode 2.

Three months after Alexia's murder, Jonathann Daval is placed in police custody and confesses.

Christophe Hondelatte talks…

A preview podcast from Sunday February 20 thanks to the subscription to the “Hondelatte Premium” channel, available on the Apple Podcasts platform.

The entirety of Hondelatte Raconte can be found on Europe1.fr and all listening platforms.