
Ha-won Jang, CEO of Discovery Asset Management, was summoned again by the police after it was revealed that influential figures in the current government had invested a large amount.

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Reporter Hyung-an Son, is the investigation still ongoing?


The police investigation of CEO Ha-won Jang, who was summoned in the morning of the 11th, is still ongoing.

Just two days after receiving the first investigation the other day, the police re-submitted.

The police are concentrating on proving the allegation of selling funds to the general public while hiding the fact that CEO Jang was insolvent around mid-2017.

In particular, it is known that a new asset management company with no particular performance has confirmed how it has stably sold large-scale funds through the state-run bank, IBK, etc.

The police are said to have questioned CEO Jang whether he was committing a 'Ponzi scam' in which the new investor's funds collected in this way were paid out to existing early investors as profits.


Will the so-called 'VIP list' be investigated?


Yes, the police investigation into the so-called 'VIP list', first known as the SBS report, became inevitable.

Jang Ha-seong, Ambassador to China, the older brother of CEO Jang, who was revealed to have invested a large amount of money through this list.

The police have not commented on whether or not they will be investigated or the schedule.

Today, it is known that he confirmed the basic facts about the process of creating a VIP list with CEO Jang Ha-won.

Based on the results of the investigation by CEO Jang, the police are expected to investigate whether the people on this list had an influence on the background of the rapid growth of the Discovery Fund.

(Video coverage: Cho Chang-hyun, video editing: Park Ji-in)