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A man who called several times to the house upstairs to protest the noise between floors was charged with violating the Act on the Punishment of Stalking Crimes (Stalking Punishment Act).

According to the police yesterday (27th), the Yongsan Police Station in Seoul is investigating a man who lives in an apartment in Yongsan-gu, Seoul on charges of violating the Stalking Punishment Act.

At the end of last year, Mr. A is accused of contacting Mr. B, a woman who lives just above the floor, through the intercom several times to protest the noise between floors.

Mr. B reported to 112 that Mr. A was constantly in touch and felt fear, and the police started an investigation after seeing that the act was a violation of the Stalking Punishment Act.

According to the Stalking Punishment Act, it is recognized as a stalking crime if it causes the victim's anxiety repeatedly without justifiable reasons, such as approaching against the victim's will or sending texts or videos through telephone, mail, or information and communication networks.

Such conduct is punishable by imprisonment for not more than 3 years or a fine of not more than 30 million won.

However, it is reported that Mr. B said that he did not remember the exact date and time and number of times he was contacted by the intercom during the police investigation, and that he did not want punishment for Mr. A.

The police are planning to file a complaint with Mr. A as 'no right of prosecution' after further investigation according to Mr. B's unwillingness to punish him.

The Stalking Punishment Act is an anti-intentional punishment that cannot be punished if the victim expresses his/her intention to not punish the perpetrator.

(Photo = Getty Image Bank, Yonhap News)