<Anchor> The

Seoul Metropolitan Government recently accused Rev. Il-do Choi, who has been running the 'Babfor Sharing' movement for 34 years. I was running a food service restaurant on the land owned by Seoul city in Dongdaemun-gu, but a conflict arose over the building extension process.

This is reporter Suwon-wook's report.


Under the Guldari in Jeonnong-dong, Seoul.

Dozens of homeless people are lining up.

These are the people who gathered to get a free lunch box from the Dail Welfare Foundation, run by Rev. Il-do Choi, 'Babfor'.

[Lunch Box Recipient: Not without it. I can't do it without it, I don't have any money coming in because I'm old, and I have to pay hospital bills.

The fact that the city of Seoul filed a complaint with the police on the 10th of last month stating that Pastor Choi had carried out illegal extension construction became known


In order to create a food warehouse and expand the dining space, we took issue with the extension work to expand the free kitchen building since June last year.

[Mikyung Kim / Deputy Director, Dail Welfare Foundation: I mean 800 to 1,000 people a day ate. They need a place to store their ingredients so they can eat them. 1,000 people is no joke.]

Above all, the protests from the residents of new apartments in the vicinity, who received 13 complaints this month alone, had an impact.

Pastor Choi's position is absurd.

The project has been carried out on municipal land with the consent of the local government for over 30 years, and in June of last year, the mayor of Dongdaemun-gu directly gave permission.

[Pastor Il-do Choi/Chairman of Dail Welfare Foundation: The municipal land is already in use.

If I and the mayor do something wrong, I will go to either a detention center or a prison.

I have to apologize.

There is no other way but an apology from Mayor Oh Se-hoon.] A

Seoul official suggested a meeting with Mayor Oh Se-hoon on the 24th at the meeting with Pastor Choi today (17th).

However, Pastor Choi is fighting back, saying that dropping the accusation and an apology come first, so the controversy seems likely to continue.

(Video editing: Park Chun-bae, VJ: Roh Jae-min)