PM (Personal Mobility) refers to means of transportation such as electric kickboards and electric wheels.

However, there are a number of problems recently caused by this shared kickboard.

SBS Data Journalism Team's errands have prepared a series of reports to look at these PM's problems and find solutions.

Although it is compulsory for electric scooter drivers to wear safety helmets and have a license, are there any roads where they can safely travel?

According to the current law, PMs such as electric kickboards must run on bicycle paths and on the right end of the roadway.

However, the roadway is dangerous, so PM drivers claim that they have no choice but to find a bike path.

Most of the bike paths are for pedestrians.

If you look at the whole country, 75.8% of all bicycle paths and if you look at Seoul alone, where the use of electric kickboards is the most, 64.4% are both bicycle and pedestrian roads.

Since there is no place for only electric kickboards to run, some critics say that the Road Traffic Act, which has reinforced safety regulations, is only a 'remedies'.

If so, what are the alternatives?

You can see more detailed analysis and solution in the video above.

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