A franchise cafe manager is sniping customers on his SNS and uploading CCTV screens as it is, causing controversy.

Recently, on an online community, an article was posted saying 'I followed a local cafe's SNS, but the manager shot a customer'.

It is said that he criticized the customer by uploading a screen captured from CCTV or a photo taken in a cafe without mosaic processing.

They sarcastically referred to customers who ordered fewer drinks than the number of people, saying, 'Ajumma Corps, 12 people, 5 cups.

He posted a photo of another cafe cup that a customer had thrown away, and even mentioned the real name of the orderer on the cup.

Regarding this, many people agreed with the point that 'them may be the truth from the point of view of the store owner, but it does not make sense to post the faces of the customers on a public account without mosaics'.

When the controversy broke out, the franchisee apologized for not being able to check in advance because it was impossible to check personal accounts.

Afterwards, all posts were deleted, and he said that he would visit the store and proceed with further confirmation.