These days, the admissions process for each university is in full swing.

This article was posted on an online bulletin board.

It is the content of "Overseas Chinese can easily go to medical school and oriental medical school through the special admission of overseas Chinese".

It was based on a photo captured of a specific college entrance exam syllabus.

It has over 300,000 views.

Uncertainties have increased due to the difficulty of the entrance exam, but the issue of fairness in the entrance examination has been raised, saying that overseas Chinese are easily going to college.

As the article heated up online, the entrance examination guidelines of other universities implying 'special selection of overseas Chinese' were also posted, saying that this university is the same and that university is the same, and the backlash has grown.

A petition was also posted on the bulletin board of the Blue House saying, "We demand the abolition of the special selection process for overseas Chinese."

Nearly ten thousand people signed it.

We fact-checked whether the 'special selection of overseas Chinese' that was online really existed.

First of all, I checked to see if the university that was controversial is really selecting medical schools and oriental medical schools as a special selection for overseas Chinese.

First of all, it is said that it is true that this university's admission requirements are correct, and there is an item called 'Chinese Chinese among pure foreigners' because there is no admission quota.

However, he said there was something wrong.

I have included the university's answer as it is.

Q. Is the online entrance exam guide correct?

A. Although our university's special admissions requirements for foreigners are true, our medical school does not select through foreigner admissions.

It is very regrettable that our outlines are captured and wandering around while talking about how easy it is for foreigners to enter medical schools.

- A university admissions office

In fact, the team also asked other universities that were captured online in the name of 'special selection of overseas Chinese' in the entrance exam syllabus.

It is written that 'For Taiwanese nationals (Chinese Chinese), even if one of the parents is a foreigner, you can apply'.

In fact, it has been confirmed by this university entrance exam syllabus.

I asked if there really is a special type of overseas Chinese.

Q. Is the online entrance exam guide correct?

A. Our college entrance exam syllabus is correct.

Q. Then, is there really a special admissions process for overseas Chinese between medical schools and oriental medical schools?

A. This is not a special admission, but the qualifications for the 'foreigner admission' that most universities select.

Among them, in the case of overseas Chinese, the qualifications for application are written down.

This is not a screening for selecting only overseas Chinese, but listing the qualifications to apply for admission to overseas Chinese among the foreign students.

Online, it is said that only interview is required, but that is absolutely not the case.

SAT scores are taken into account, in-house Biology and Chemistry tests are taken again, and there is another final interview stage.

How can you be selected by interview only without knowing your educational level?

- B University Admissions Office

However, if you think about it carefully, it is no different to select an American, a Japanese, or a Chinese as a foreigner, but I wonder why only 'Chinese Chinese' was specified and written in the entrance exam syllabus. According to the explanation of the university, I think that they are creating a strife by adding the word “Chinese Chinese” for nothing. Looking at it, not only this university, but also other universities, only overseas Chinese have separate application qualifications.

For more detailed information, I inquired about the University Education Council and Daekyo Association, which are in charge of university entrance exams. Likewise, he said that there is no special screening for overseas Chinese, and if you are an overseas Chinese, you are naturally a foreigner, so you are only subject to the selection of foreigners. However, he made an exception to the principle of 'reciprocity'.

In summary: In the 2000s, it is said that the qualifications for foreign students in Taiwan's universities were "if one of the applicants and one of their parents is a foreigner". On the other hand, Daekyo Cooperative's foreigner admission guidelines limit it to "when both the student and their parents are foreigners". In terms of reciprocity with Taiwan, unlike other nationalities, Taiwanese applicants are allowed to apply if only one parent is a foreigner, and universities that have adopted this policy sometimes include it in their admissions guide. And there aren't that many.

Moreover, in the case of medical schools and oriental medical schools, only a few schools apply this application qualification. The Daekyohyup said that 'only one parent is a foreigner' for medical schools and oriental medical schools that select foreign nationals, and among them, Taiwanese Chinese nationals. There are three cases where the principle is applied.

It is said that such reciprocity will disappear from next year's entrance exams.

This is because the criticism was raised at the Ministry of Education's government audit last year.

On October 26, last year, the National Assembly Education Committee audited.

◯ Kwak Sang-do Member: …

Especially in the case of Taiwanese nationality…

If the father (or) mother is a Taiwanese national and the child is a Taiwanese national, then he or she can enter through the foreigner selection process.

I don't think this is fair.

◯ Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Eun-Hye Yoo: …

We will take a look at the overall situation once again and report to the committee members about ways to improve it.

- Minutes of the National Assembly, October 26, last year, National Audit of the Education Committee

Daekyohyup has issued a guideline that even Taiwanese nationals must have both foreign parents to apply, and it will be applied from the 2023 year onwards. 

In other words, starting next year, Chinese nationals of Taiwan must also have foreign parents to apply for the foreigner selection process.

Some universities also explain this change in the current entrance exam syllabus, which has led to misunderstandings as the word 'Chinese Chinese' came out a lot.

Even now, schools that do not apply the principle of 'only one parent is a foreigner' write "Overseas Chinese students with both parents overseas" as the criteria for applying for the foreigner screening, which means that Chinese students are selected without distinction, unlike other foreign nationals. is implying.

After all, the 'special selection of overseas Chinese' that has been controversial online is a non-existent type, and they are all the same 'foreigner type'.

The reason that some universities dare to use the expression 'Chinese Chinese' in their foreigner admissions guidelines is because they have different application qualifications from other foreigners based on the 'reciprocity principle' in the past. The difference disappears. 

Online, there are also complaints about the foreigner selection process itself.

From the point of view of examinees and parents who are experiencing the fiercest competition for entrance exams in the world, especially now that fairness is a hot topic, you can feel uncomfortable enough.

However, we too are going to study abroad a lot, and there is an aspect that many of us are entering through the foreigner selection process in that country.

A typical example is the pathway, which is the foreigner selection process of US universities.

In particular, as the school-age population is shrinking due to the low fertility, and more schools fill less than half of the freshmen, attracting foreigners is often an alternative.

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(Interns: Kwon Min-sun, Song Hae-yeon)