<Anchor> There

was a report that a passenger was assaulted while driving a taxi.

In a moving car, a passenger strangled a driver with bloody hands. There is talk of installing a protective partition in a taxi to prevent this from happening, but the discussion has been going around for years.

By Park Jae-hyung, staff reporter.


In the early morning of the 28th, a taxi was waiting for a signal at an intersection in Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do.

The passenger suddenly pulls the handle and kicks.

[Taxi passenger: (car door) open!

I will not?

Don't you?] The

bewildered driver said that he would open the car after putting it in a safe place, but

[Taxi Driver: Wait a minute, wait a minute.

When a car passes by (I'll open it.)] The

high castle continued.

[Taxi passenger: This XX is open!



Then grabs the taxi driver's neck and pulls it.

[Taxi driver → Police report: Hello.

There was a big problem in the car.

Being beaten in a car.

Oh, it was a big deal.

I'm drowsy...


There was even blood on the passenger's hand as if he was injured while pulling the handle forcibly.

[Damaged taxi driver: Because bloody hands come in.

I'm so scared...

.] When the

taxi stopped, the door opened and the passenger was arrested by the police while running away, it is known that he said, "I do not remember because I was drunk."

[Damaged taxi driver: I'm too scared to ride a drunk customer at night...

Maybe that person is also traumatized.

I haven't slept for two days.

I felt that fear.] It

is estimated that hundreds of taxi driver assaults occur every year.

For this reason, the National Assembly and local governments are suggesting to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to support or obligate the installation of taxi partitions.

[Damaged taxi driver: If there is a bulkhead, there will be some inconveniences.

But rather than working with fear and insecurity, even just those who want…


(Video coverage: Seol Min-hwan, video editing: Park Chun-bae)