
A famous high school baseball coach in Seoul was handed over to the prosecution on charges of taking money after receiving a request for entrance exams from parents. The parents who had handed over the money directly disclosed the fact of solicitation to the school, but somehow the school rushed to cover up the supervision.

Reporter Yoo Byung-min reports.


Manager A of the baseball club at a famous private high school in Seoul received money from the parents of Player B, asking him to go to college.

Starting with 3 million won in cash in February, an additional 10 million won was received in March.

However, coach A had pitcher B pitch only 0.2 innings, and in the end, player B did not meet the college entrance criteria.

Then the parents went to the school and revealed the solicitation for the entrance exam, but the school's response was absurd.

According to the parents, the principal asked if it would interfere with school life and recommended an agreement with the coach, and on the same day, the coach called Player B and urged his father to persuade his father to come to an agreement.

When impatient parents filed a complaint with the Office of Education, the school gave the director a one-month suspension of duties and then filed a complaint with the police against the supervisor and parents for violating the so-called 'Kim Young-ran Act'.

As a result of police investigations, it was revealed that the director demanded the parents to pay for repairs to his car and even a wreath of tribute.

The police saw that the director received about 19 million won from the parents and sent it to the prosecution with an opinion of indictment.

In response, the school said that it had never persuaded the parents, that the supervisor had already been disciplined, and that it was just waiting for a judicial decision.

Director A did not respond to SBS's contact.

(Video coverage: Seol Seol-hwan, video editing: Woo-jung Woo)