Controversy has arisen over the fact that there was an absurd person who took a shower inside an automatic car wash.

A shirtless man climbs onto the bonnet of a car and sprays detergent from a car wash machine.

Then, when the high-pressure water is sprayed from the machine, it comes down from the bonnet and floats near the water to wash the body and vehicle.

After that, he climbed on the car bonnet again and showed himself getting waxed all over his body.

It was a video uploaded to an online community on the 26th, and the author who said that he was operating a car wash explained, 'I went to clean and saw that the inside of the automatic car wash was messed up, and I checked the CCTV and found out about this absurd situation.

At the same time, he worried that 'the water from the car wash machine raised the water pressure for washing, and the vehicle detergent is also bad for the body' and 'I think it would be a good thing if the man didn't hurt himself'.

It is not known why the man did this behavior at the car wash.

Netizens who saw the video were astonished, saying, 'I didn't know this was Korea', and 'What did I see now?'