A young couple who failed to change a baby's diaper on time, which resulted in a disability in physical development, was sentenced to probation in prison.

According to the legal community today (25th), Mr. A (27, male) and Mr. B (25, female) were raising their 9-month-old daughter at home in 2017 and did not change or wash the baby's diaper well.

We continued to expose our infants to unsanitary conditions, such as not cleaning properly enough to form mold in the room.

They took their daughter to the hospital only after hearing other family members say, "The baby's leg looks sick." At that time, the doctor diagnosed the child with suppurative inflammation of the right hip.

The disease is caused by a bacterial infection.

As a result of the investigation, it was determined that the child had a severe rash caused by a fungal infection in the diaper area.

It was found that the bone in the right hip area even melted due to inflammation.

It was confirmed that some medical staff predicted that "the disease is getting worse and it is difficult to treat right away" or "I will not be able to walk well due to the aftereffects."

Prosecutors revealed that the child had a day and night change depending on the couple's life pattern, such as sleeping from about 8:30 am to 5 pm and waking up at night from the age of one month.

Prosecutors added that he ate mostly seaweed soup without eating any other baby food.

The 12th Criminal Division of the Daejeon District Court (Chief Judge Yoo Seok-cheol) sentenced couple A, who were accused of violating the Child Welfare Act (abandonment and neglect of children), to one year in prison and two years of probation, respectively.

He also ordered probation, 40 hours of child abuse prevention lectures, and five-year restrictions on employment at child-related organizations.

The court said, "Even if it is economically difficult, the defendants have an obligation to nurture the victims so that they can grow up healthy until they reach adulthood. didn't," he judged.

However, the sentencing took into account the fact that there was no criminal punishment or the situation of taking full care of the victim's younger brother.