Faced with the controversy, TikTok has finally decided to react.

The hashtag # anti2010, used for a few days on social networks to denigrate students born in 2010, was banned this Friday from the platform.

“This sentence may be associated with behavior or content that violates our instructions”, can we now read on the social network when we type “anti2010” in the search bar.

However, accounts referring to it manage to circumvent this new rule by adding one or more words.

A hashtag # BienvenueAux2010 to counter the phenomenon

Videos mocking, insulting or inciting to violence…, until this deletion, the hashtag had been used more than 40 million times on the Chinese social network very popular with young people.

The hashtag # anti2010 is no longer visible on Instagram today, but accounts with the mention “anti2010” are still available there, as on Snapchat.

However, it is still accessible on the Twitter and Facebook platforms.

The Minister of Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, on Friday called on heads of establishments to strengthen vigilance.

"There is a growing movement which consists of poorly welcoming sixth grade students and annoying students born in 2010. It is obviously completely stupid and contrary to our values," lamented the Minister of Education in a video posted on Twitter.

He took the opportunity to launch another hashtag: # BienvenueAux2010.


# Anti2010: Parents testify to insults, bullying or even attacks ... which remain limited

By the Web

Teens born in 2010 become a target on social networks

  • Social networks

  • By the Web

  • Middle School

  • Teenager

  • Insult

  • Threatens

  • Youth

  • Cyber ​​harassment

  • Violence

  • TikTok