One of the key things to be revealed through the investigation of


is whether or not Prosecutor Son Jun-seong actually delivered the accusation to Rep. Kim Woong. The only clue that has come out so far is the text "Send Jun-seong Son" in the telegram message that the informant Jo Seong-eun received, and Cho disclosed additional data. In Telegram, even if you receive a photo from someone else, you can still see the profile of the person who sent it. The Ministry of Air Transport is also closely checking this information.

Continuing, this is Reporter Youngjae Hong.


Jo Sung-eun, the informant who appeared on SBS News, said that he had submitted additional data to the investigation agency to prove that the source of the telegram message he received was Prosecutor Son Jun-seong.

[The composition of / 'accuse four weeks suspicion' public claimant: (? The proof of the sender who confirmed that the parties, hers is this spirit Parties still going to include a sonjunseong inspection and gimung Rep.) Yes, yes]

Following Article As additional evidence, Mr. revealed a profile capture photo of a Telegram user.

When I looked at the user profile of the message I received from Rep. Kim Woong in April last year as 'Send Jun-seong Son', I saw a background photo of two trees with the name 'Jun-seong Son'.

Cho then suggested that this photo was the same as Prosecutor Son Jun-seong's Telegram account profile picture.

In other words, it is a story that proves that the person who sent the telegram of 'Son Jun-sung received' is the same person as Son Jun-seong, the investigative information policy officer at the time.

Prosecutor Sohn, who conveyed his position that he had nothing to do with him to reporters via Telegram when the first suspicion of indictment broke out, is known to have recently withdrawn from his Telegram account.

Because of this, we are currently unable to check the Telegram account profile picture for Hand Test.

Accordingly, the Airborne Service, which secured the hand inspector's cell phone through a search and seizure last week, is conducting forensic work to verify this content.

However, the mobile phone for hand examination is known as a product with excellent security performance, and without the cooperation of the hand examination, it is predicted that forensics alone may take a considerable time.

(Video editing: Won-hee Won, CG: Yoon-jeong Kang, Source: Hankyoreh Newspaper/News Bus) 

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