The average retirement age in Korea is 49.4 years.

When you're under 50, your income suddenly stops.

You have to raise, educate, and even marry your children, but you have to worry about how to make a living for your family right now.

The current retirement age in Korea is 60 years old.

The national pension premium is paid monthly for 30 years or so, but the pension comes out from the age of 62, two years after retirement.

Even receiving a pension is not enough to make a living.

Even he doesn't start receiving a pension until he turns 65 in 2033.

Therefore, the issue of extending the retirement age is emerging as a hot topic again.

With the presidential election approaching, now is the right time to ignite the discussion.

It cannot be delayed any further in order to dispel the stigma of having the world's highest poverty rate for the elderly.

However, it is difficult for young people to accept it easily.

For those aged 15 to 29, the expanded unemployment rate is 25.1%.

One in four young people is virtually unemployed.

In the midst of this unemployment crisis, if the retirement age is extended, the concern that there will be more jobs that are already lacking cannot be erased.

With the presidential election approaching, the issue of extending the retirement age, which is becoming a hot potato again, 'who story', has heard the story of two generations.

Planning/General Manager Park Byeong-il / Directed by Yoon Taek / Assistant Director Jin Hye-young / CG Kim Yang-hyun