According to the publication MedicalXpress, the plant Nigella sativa (black cumin, or black cumin) contains thymoquinone - it is able to bind to the S-protein of the coronavirus and prevent the development of lung infection.

“Any hypothesis has a place to be ... But the fact is that experiments on a virus-infected cell culture are the very first stage of testing candidate drugs, and such publications actually appear every month.

Therefore, generally speaking, there is a huge distance from this article to a real drug.

And most importantly, out of hundreds of drugs that show their effect on a cell culture infected with a virus, then a maximum of five percent reach the final.

So the data is interesting, but their journey to the cure is very long and not necessarily successful, ”Netesov said.

In turn, virologist Nikolai Malyshev noted that concrete conclusions can only be drawn after the tests.

“About two decades pass from idea to practical application.

Now, of course, I can and a little faster.

But for this it is necessary to conduct pre-clinical trials and post-clinical trials.

We have already heard what we have not used, even the medicine for malaria.

Then it turned out, there was no benefit from it.

Therefore, we must first see what happens at least at the preliminary stages, "the interlocutor of RT concluded.

Earlier, Australian scientists found that the plant Nigella sativa (nigella sativa, or black cumin) could be used to treat coronavirus infection in the future.