[News only] The

first baby panda born in Korea, Pubao, celebrated its first birthday yesterday (20th).

Thousands of people simultaneously logged on to the first birthday party, which was broadcast live on YouTube, and congratulated them.

A baby panda poubao is on a stone decorated with bamboo.

Let's start stone hunting, which is an indispensable part of the first birthday party.

On the table are bamboo, meaning longevity, carrots, meaning health, and apple, panda bread, and wotow, respectively, meaning popularity and happiness.

Pu Bao's name means 'treasure that brings happiness', and since they picked up Wotou, which means happiness, people who watched it said, 'The treasure that gives happiness has also caught happiness' and rejoiced.

When he was born last year, he weighed 197g and was 16.5cm long, but now he weighs 40kg and has grown by 200 times compared to when he was born.

Now, he is strong enough to climb to the top of a tree by himself, and he is growing healthy, starting to taste bamboo and bamboo shoots as baby food.