
Former Busan Mayor Oh Keo-don, who was charged with forcibly molesting a female employee, was sentenced to three years in prison by the first trial court. Mayor Oh has been arrested in court.

By Jung Joon-ho.


Oh Keo-don, the former mayor of Busan, who was indicted on charges of forcibly molesting a female employee.

The first trial court sentenced the former mayor of Busan to three years in prison today (29th).

The court explained that Mayor Oh's forced sexual assault was "a sexual assault by power using a superior position" and "the victim's heart is grievous and there is no politics in it."

Earlier, Oh Keo-don's attorney argued that Mayor Oh was taking medication for dementia at the last decision hearing, but today the court ruled that Mayor Oh's cognitive ability is difficult to believe.

Mayor Oh Jeon, a member of the Democratic Party, was indicted on charges of forcibly harassing an employee of Busan City Hall in November 2018 and attempting to harass Mr. A again in December of the same year.

Mayor Oh held a press conference in April of last year and resigned from his position as mayor, stating that he admitted to sexual harassment.

Prosecutors demanded 7 years in prison for Busan Mayor Oh on four charges: forced molestation, attempted sexual assault, forced molestation, injury, and innocence.

The Oh Keo-don Joint Countermeasures Committee on Sexual Violence said today that it would appeal, saying that the ruling was insufficient to root out power-type sexual violence.