Prices less than 1000 dirhams

Medium-cost fifth-generation phones raise market competitiveness

Mid-cost 5G phones have been in demand since the beginning of 2021. Getty

The country's markets have recently witnessed competitive manifestations in the launch of medium-cost phones that support 5G technologies.

And a technical expert expected that this category of phones would lead the largest demand trends in the market during the coming period.

Remarkable competitiveness

Ashraf Fawakherji, the general manager of the "Task" company for technical products, told "Emirates Today" that the markets witnessed remarkable competition in the mid-cost category smart phones, which provided new prices for this category.

He added: “For the first time, the local markets are witnessing the launch of phones that support the fifth generation with good technical specifications, at prices less than 1000 dirhams, after most of the phones of this category ranged between 1300 and 1900 dirhams, compared to the high-priced phones that used to acquire the largest proportions of fifth generation phones. Its price ranges between 2,200 and 5,500 dirhams.

He explained that this category of medium-cost fifth generation phones is expected to lead the largest demand trends in the markets during the coming period, according to market sales indicators at international levels, which raised the competitive rates among companies in launching new versions of this category.

He attributed the increased demand for this category of phones to the spread of fifth generation networks, and the desire of dealers to obtain phones with appropriate technical specifications that support the fifth generation at medium prices, especially after the repercussions imposed by the “Covid-19” pandemic on spending levels in the markets in general.

He expected that this category of phones would witness an expansion in the introduction of new models, at lower prices, pointing out that the medium-cost fifth generation phones currently account for between 30 and 40% of the demand in the sector, making them the largest segment in demand.

the most wanted

For his part, Director of Strategy and Planning at OPPO Middle East for technical products and smart phone technology, Fadi Abu Shamat, said that the fifth generation phones of the medium cost category are among the most in demand since the beginning of this year in the smart phone markets, which raised the competitive rates between Companies launch new versions, to compete for good market shares for sales.

He expected that the markets would witness greater competitive rates in this category during the coming period, supported by the growth in demand, especially since the demand rates in the country are among the highest even during the pandemic period, compared to neighboring markets.