
Among LH rental houses, there is a 'purchase-type rental housing' built by purchasing an existing villa or multi-family house.

However, the floor was wide enough to expose the cement floor and was seriously injured, but it has not been repaired for 5 months.

Somehow, reporter Jung Jun-ho covered it.

<Reporter> This

is an LH rental house in Jungnang-gu, Seoul.

The prefabricated flooring was laid on the floor, and there were empty spaces everywhere.

The cement floor is clearly visible, but there are places that are as wide as an adult's palm.

You can see that the floor opens easily even if I apply a little force like this.

6 family members of A, who are receiving basic livelihood security, moved in last January with the expectation that they would be able to live in a clean house at a low cost, but in reality, this was not the case.

[Mr. A: They don't stick together and move like children's blocks. uh why is this We couldn't even imagine that the floor would be like that.] It

could slip and get hurt, and dust on the floor rises through the cracks, so I'm also concerned about the health of the children.

I asked LH to fix it, but it's been 5 months.

LH built this rental house by purchasing a new villa.

Therefore, Haja is in the position that the owner of the villa is responsible, but while the two sides are arguing over the repair method, only the damage to the occupants is increasing.

[LH official: In the process of negotiating that partial remuneration is immediately possible, there is no coordination in that area... .]

Mr. A recently fell due to a push on the floor and injured his back, which he operated on four years ago, and is in a situation where he has to undergo surgery again.

[Mr. A: I said 'just call me to fix it'. But for the first time, everything is different. I came in with a very grateful heart... .]

When the coverage began, LH said, "We will fix the floor as soon as possible and see if there are any problems with other generations."

(Video coverage: Hwang In-seok, video editing: Yumira)