
A driver running away from drinking crackdowns in Busan jumped out of the car and jumped into the sea to avoid the people who were chasing him.

They were dispatched to the sea police to search, and as a result of the confirmation, it was revealed that the fleeing driver was a marine police officer.

This is KNN reporter Woojin Joo.

<Reporter> A

car driver escapes to a restaurant on the beach to escape the police who were trying to crack down on drinking alcohol and runs away from the car.

When the police after chasing yelled for a catch, 4 to 5 restaurant merchants rush in, but they throw away everything and get out of it in no time.

The driver, who drove 150m down the restaurant, turned to the sea from this point where I was standing.

Boise crossed the pebble beach and jumped straight into the sea.

Three generations of Haekyungjeong were mobilized for the search, and a citizen was rescued by himself and even evacuated to a hospital.

[Yoon Youngkuk / Part-time job at a nearby restaurant: I was in a situation where I could only see my throat, and the waves were so strong that we couldn't use anything... .] During the

turmoil, the driver's behavior was confirmed at a nearby convenience store five hours after the incident.

I was swimming and I got out of the pitch-black night sea.

As a result of identification, the driver was identified as a marine police officer belonging to the Busan Maritime Police Station and was arrested in the form of voluntary attendance.

At that time, the blood alcohol concentration was measured below the standard, so we decided to investigate by applying the Widmark formula, which inversely calculates the time of drunk driving.

Meanwhile, the Coast Guard plans to remove the driver's position and set the level of disciplinary action based on the results of the investigation.

(Video coverage: Park Young-jun KNN)