<Anchor> One

of the comfort women victims who filed a lawsuit this time was Grandma Lee Yong-soo. Today (21st), I got into the courtroom in a wheelchair, watched the trial, and left in the middle. The grandmother said that today's sentence was too embarrassing, she said she would go to the International Court of Justice for judgment.

This is reporter Won Jong-jin.


Grandmother Lee Yong-soo, who led an uncomfortable body and arrived at the court 30 minutes before the scheduled sentence.

However, this grandmother could not hear the results of her sentence.

During the reading of the judge's order, he left the court when the conclusion of the loss became influential.

[Lee Yong-soo's grandmother/comfort woman victim: It's so absurd. It's too embarrassing.]

Soon, the grandmother cleared her voice and expressed her strong determination to be judged by the International Court of Justice.

[Grandma Lee Yong-soo/comfort woman victim: (The trial result) Goes to the International Court of Justice, whether it came out well or not! I have nothing to say

except for


Before getting into the taxi, I was once again blinded by resentment.

[Lee Yong-soo grandmother/comfort woman victim: Eui-yeon, Eui-yeon is not separate. All the victims are doing (suit) for the same. Please know only that.] The

Justice Memory Solidarity also held a separate press conference and raised its voice, saying that it was an unconvincing decision.

[Attorney Lee Sang-hee/Attorney on the victim's side of the comfort women: The Constitutional Court also clearly stated that the 2015 Korea-Japan Agreement could not be a legal remedy, but a decision was made

against it.]

[Attorney Lee Sang-hee/Attorney on the victim's side of the comfort women: There was no word about the victims' human rights or why they were forced to file a lawsuit... .]

Eui-yeon Eui-yeon said today's ruling does not mean winning the first lawsuit in January, and expressed his willingness to appeal, saying that he will do everything he can.

(Video coverage: Seo Jin-ho, Video editing: Won-hee Won)