<Anchor> This

is a video of the inside of a taxi yesterday (15th).

The police call a taxi and ask for a drunk man to be taken home.

The driver was forced to pick up a drunk passenger, but when the taxi departed, the man swung his mobile phone and beat the driver.

This is reporter Lee Tae-hyun of CJB.

<Reporter> In

front of the apartment complex, the police support Mr. A, a staggering drunkard, and a taxi called by the police arrives in front of him.

The taxi driver is reluctant to pick up Mr. A, who can't even control me, but the police say that Mr. A wants to take a taxi to go home and ask the driver to take him home.

[Police: (What to do with the drunk person?) Have money and be there (communication). Just pick it up. He said he was going by taxi... .]

Throughout the course of the trip, Mr. A's talk and swear words continued, and Mr. A struck the taxi driver's head with his cell phone.

Mr. A's assault continued while the vehicle could not be stopped.

[Damaged taxi driver: (Even if it's right) you can't make a sudden stop. So I was going all the way there… It was like going to hell. Hell.] In the

end, Mr. A, who assaulted the driver, was charged with assaulting the driver under the Special Act, but the taxi driver complained about the police's action against the drunkard.

[Damaged taxi driver: (if not burned) I have to get a ticket for refusal to ride. In my opinion, I can't refuse to ride... (The police) said it was okay, so I picked it up because I couldn't.]

According to the police officer's duty execution law, the police are required to send people who are drunk and who are likely to harm others to the police station or health care institution, but the Chungju police station this time In the case of the case, Mr. A explained that he did not judge him as intoxicated by accurately stating his personal information and address.

(Video coverage: Park Hee-sung CJB)