
Another person who served as a minister in this government, former Minister of Industry, Baek Un-gyu, was also judged by the court today (9th).

Former Minister Baek was accused of improperly involved in the early shutdown of the Wolseong nuclear power plant, but the arrest warrant was dismissed.

The ruling party raised the level of criticism for being an unreasonable investigation.

Reporter Son Hyung-an will deliver this information.

<Reporter> The

prosecution is in the position that the arrest investigation is inevitable as former Minister Baek Un-gyu has unfairly intervened in the decision to close the nuclear power plant, but denies it.

Former Minister Paik repeatedly stressed that it was a policy decision.

[Paik Woon-gyu/Former Minister of Industry (Dawn of the Year): (At the time of the minister's office), the policy was implemented legally based on laws and principles.]

Substantive examination of arrest warrants was conducted for more than 6 hours, and arrests were not confirmed until early this morning. It was decided.

The result was the dismissal of the arrest warrant.

It was the court's judgment that the core charges of the former Minister Baek were not sufficiently addressed.

In order to apply ex officio abuse to public officials, rigorous proof is required, which means that the investigation has not reached that level.

It is known that the prosecution immediately protested and is considering a plan to reclaim an arrest warrant.

It is known that it will further reinforce the allegations that Minister Baek ordered civil servants from the Ministry of Industry, who are being tried for deletion of 530 nuclear documents.

However, with the dismissal of the arrest warrant of former Minister Baek, the speed of investigations toward the upper line of the Blue House such as Korea Gas Corporation President Chae Hee-bong became inevitable.

The level of criticism of the passport for unfair investigation of the policy direction is on the rise.

: Choi In-ho /, with the Democratic Party chief spokesperson when many people are concerned that prosecutors excessive political rhetoric and consider came to criticize, dismiss judicial arrest warrant is a reasonable decision.]

In relation to the jeongsegyun Minister hundred former minister arrest warrant dismissed officials It was even more burdensome for the prosecutors to post a message asking them to work on the job.

(Video coverage: Seo Jin-ho, Video editing: Lee Seung-hee)