
I delivered the news yesterday (8th) that a 10-year-old child living at my aunt's house has died.

Aunt and uncle reported that the child had fallen into the bathtub, but police investigations revealed that they had beaten and abused the child since before, claiming that he did not listen.

Reporter Yoo Su-Hwan covered it.

<Reporter> The

report that a 10-year-old girl fell into the bathtub was at 12:30 yesterday.

[Gyeonggi-do Fire & Disaster Headquarters Officer: I was dispatched to report that I was drowned, but I was in a state of cardiac arrest, so I was transferred to the hospital while performing CPR...

.] As

bruises and wounds were found all over the body of the deceased child, the police urgently arrested the couple for child abuse and fatality.

Police investigation revealed that the first report was false.

The couple confessed that since last weekend, they started beating their children all over the body for not listening.

He even stated that he had put the child's head in and out several times after receiving water in the bathtub.

[Yongin Eastern Police Department Investigation Personnel: Just several times...

I put my hair in, soaked it, and then did it several times...


Then (the child) drooped and couldn't breathe, so I think you reported it to 119.] As

a result of the first autopsy of Noodles for Miss A, who died, the cause of death was'secondary shock'.

The wounds of the assault and the abuse of drowning in the water caused a shock to the point of death.

[Investigation manager at Yongin Eastern Police Station: It looks like a bruise due to an external shock.

This means that when there are multiple places, the child can be shocked (death).] The

police have secured a number of CCTVs in the apartment where Ms. A stayed and are looking into further abuse.

It is known that the birth mother has left the child to the older sister and the couple since last November due to moving issues and working life.

The police applied for an arrest warrant for Ms. A's aunts.

(Video coverage: Nam Nam Kim, video editing: Jiyoung Hwang)