
Today (28th), the 8 o'clock news will start with the content we covered alone.

The Board of Audit and Inspection announced the results of last year's audit to see if there were any problems with the early shutdown of Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1.

Auditor General Choi Jae-hyung also said that it was the first time that this was the first time for an audit that was highly resistant to such resistance.

Since then, the prosecution in an investigation turned over three officials from the Ministry of Industry to trial, and the Panda team has obtained a list of 530 files that have been deleted and their specific crime charges.

First, reporter So Hwan-wook.

<Reporter> The

complaint sheet obtained by the Panda team until the end is 31 pages long, including the fact of the complaint against the three employees of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and a list of 530 files they deleted.

In October and November, 2019, the auditor, which had undergone an audit at the request of the National Assembly, requested the Ministry of Industry twice for data related to the decision to shut down the Wolseong nuclear power plant.

Three years of internal reporting data related to Wolseong Unit 1, data discussed or reported with the Blue House, and all data discussed with Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power.

Upon receiving the request from the Auditor, the head of the industry division, Moo Jeong, and the secretary of Mo Kim, who were in charge of the main department at the time of the decision to close it, said, "We discussed with the person in charge of the nuclear power plant industry policy department to submit only part of the official final document, excluding the data requested by the auditor." It was timely in the complaint.

It means that the Ministry of Industry had previously agreed to delete interim reports or internal consultation materials that the Audit Office could judge as having an influence on KHNP.

Sunday, December 1, 2019, at 11:00 p.m. the day before the auditor began securing data.

Clerk Kim entered the nuclear power plant policy department office without access rights and deleted 530 files by 1:30 am, but the prosecution said'ㄴㅇㄹ' in the text so that even if they changed the file name to a number or restored the file, it was difficult to search. He revealed that he used the method of writing the same text, modifying it, saving it, and deleting it.

He added that he also erased emails, mobile phones, and related data in the Smart Work Center cloud.

The prosecution stated in the complaint that the data that they had collated and deleted were directly or indirectly related to the early closure of Wolsong Unit 1.

(Video coverage: Bae Munsan, video editing: Park Ji-in, CG: Hong Sung-yong)

▶'Wolseong nuclear power plant closure suspicion' public complaint (including 530 deleted files)

▶ [

Sell ​​to the   

end ①] "Let's

subtract the

data requested by the auditor"…

Obtain a list of 530 files to be deleted

▶ [Sell to the end②] 靑 Report several documents…

Rewrite with revision order

▶ [Sell to the end③] Identify the trend of opposing groups…

Get a meeting report as well

▶ [Sell to the end④] Poyois · Bukwonchu…

Deleted the'North Korean Nuclear Power Plant Promotion' folder