Manmin Central Holiness Church Pastor Jaerock Lee and the church are serving in prison after being sentenced to prison for sexual assault on their congregation regularly.

The 34th Division of the Civil Agreement of the Seoul High Court (Deputy Judge Seok-jo Jang, Seong-joon Park, Deputy Judge Han Ki-soo) ruled in the first instance of the plaintiff's appeal in a lawsuit for damages claim against a pastor, etc.

In the first trial, pastor Lee and Manmin Church jointly paid a total of 1.28 billion won to the victims of sexual assault last year, and pastor Lee Mo and Shinto, who spread negative rumors related to the victims or disclose their personal information, were also victims. They have been sentenced to pay up to 20 million won per person.

Pastor Lee was handed over to trial for sexual assault on nine members dozens of times, and was sentenced to 16 years in prison in the Supreme Court in 2019.

(Photo = Yonhap News)