
A youth rental house has turned into water three times in two days.

In the middle of the night, there was a report that the alarm was malfunctioning, causing great inconvenience.

Reporter Choi Sun-gil covered it.

<Reporter> When the

emergency alarm goes off, the tenants hurriedly descend the stairs.

Water pours from the ceiling of the first floor like a heavy rain.

The sprinkler piping burst and the fire alarm went off.

From the evening of yesterday (14th) to the dawn of yesterday, this commotion repeated several times, and the residents could not sleep.

[Choi Hwa-young / Residents of youth rental housing: Water was coming down the stairs above the lobby.

(Staff) When I said'It's okay, go up', the water came down so much, so I went up the stairs after almost an hour and a half.]

This building is a 90-unit youth rental provided by LH to young people at an affordable price. Houses.

It is said that alarm operation errors have occurred several times before.

[Choehwayoung / youth rental housing tenants. Frankly, I would came out quickly and the first alarm that sounds chopped off everybody get re, I guess we now did come out looking dwaeteuni do I now noticed was five, everybody;

ve also grounded cut off from the water when repairs I didn't even get the right instructions to see if it was done.

[Youth rental housing residents: There was no information at all.

So today the water is leaking...


LH explained that the information was delayed as the frozen pipe burst and water spilled and the building's broadcasting equipment was flooded.