<Anchor> As

it was pointed out that the salary of dispatched nurses is higher than that of regular nurses in hospitals that treat corona patients, the government has decided to increase the intensive care allowance of regular nurses.

There is another place where equity controversy is raised in relation to the corona work, as reported by medical reporter Cho Dong-chan.


The nursing work of the corona ward, where caregivers are not available, is inevitably more difficult than the general ward.

[Regular nurses: Those who view the stool like water should have taken the bathroom and even gave them a shower.]

To help with this, the government recruited nurses last month and dispatched them to the field, but it is said that regular nurses feel uncomfortable.

[Regular nurse: (Dispatched nurse) does not provide direct nursing, but just assists and helps, but receives much more money.]


receives a

basic monthly salary of 3 million won and an additional 200,000 won per month as a corona allowance, but dispatched nurses It is said that he received 300,000 won a day and 7 million won a month.

The government has decided to pay an extra 50,000 won per day to nurses in charge of corona critical patients.

Critically ill patients are usually handled by a regular nurse.

However, the equity controversy also pervades general wards and emergency room nurses.

[Full-time nurse: My friend worked in the emergency room at another hospital.

After leaving the company, I went to Daegu (to the hospital) and went to another living treatment center (dispatched).]

There is another controversy over the equity of conservatives.

This is because, for clinical pathologists who conduct examinations at public health centers and administrative officials who check the identity of patients, dispatched workers receive 250,000 won for 8 hours a day, but regular officials receive only overtime pay.

[Selection Clinic Officials: (For regular workers) Overtime pay (per month) is less than 20 to 300,000 won.

For those dispatched from the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who work for 8 hours, the default is 250,000 won.]

Equitable compensation standards are required not only for nurses, but also for all occupations related to COVID-19.

(Video editing: Jeong Seong-hoon)