
Group infections centered on religious facilities are seldom subside.

There are still cases of spreading the virus to families and communities after attending religious events in other regions, and some visitors are worried about avoiding tests such as turning off their cell phones and sleeping.

Reporter Lee Ho-gun on the report.

<Reporter> This

is Sujisanseong Church in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, where 19 additional confirmed cases were found.

The infection that started in church members on the 29th of last month spread to pastors, associate pastors, and students and teachers at affiliated international schools. As members living in Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, were confirmed, additional infections spread across the region.

Yongin City's own count has increased the number of confirmed cases to 132.

Moreover, at the end of last year, the church was found to have violated the quarantine guidelines, such as holding religious meetings without wearing a mask.

[Baekgungi / concessions market: he (the resin acid Church) 15 days issued a set of prohibited Executive Order plans to fines and prosecution according to the law on infectious disease prevention and control]

mission training facility in North Gyeongsang resident BTJ Nations Center related groups The infection continues to grow.

At the end of last year, more than 2,000 people from across the country gathered at Intercorp Missions' educational events twice a year, and so far, 84 people in Daejeon, 38 people in Wonju, 49 people in Chungju, etc. have been contagious.

Moreover, some visitors are known to systematically avoid testing by turning off their cell phones and sleeping.

[Jeong Hae-gyo/Daejeon City Health and Welfare Bureau Director: (Normal Center officials) gather together to make a (worship) video, send it out, and watch the video together to study while studying.

From that point of view, I am very concerned.] As

Suncheon City, Jeollanam-do, has banned people from the Centers of the Nations from visiting the funeral halls, each local government is responding hard by ordering diagnostic tests and banning gatherings from visitors to the Centers of Nations.