According to information from Europe 1, four police officers had to dive into the Seine, in Alfortville, in the Paris region, on the night of Thursday to Friday to catch a 17-year-old teenager.

He had, with an accomplice, stolen a motorcycle and tried to escape the police by jumping into the water.

The suspect was admitted to hospital with hypothermia. 

The water of the Seine was icy on this New Year's Eve, but the police jumped there to catch up with a young motorcycle thief.

According to information from Europe 1, the young man had not hesitated to dive there to escape them after being spotted, around 2 am.

The police then surprised two young people pushing a motorcycle in Alfortville, in Val-de-Marne.

The hypothermic suspect

Seeing the police, they fled and one of them jumped into the Seine, near the Ivry bridge.

A policewoman first fell into the water while trying to catch up with him.

Two of his colleagues then dived to retrieve the suspect.

A fourth policeman also had to immerse himself to help them get back up with the fugitive arrested.

The 17-year-old was then hospitalized with hypothermia.

In his backpack, investigators found a grinder used to steal the motorcycle.

The second suspect spotted was also arrested.

He is also 17 years old and has been taken into police custody.