
There was no 3 stage increase in distance.

The government has decided to extend the current steps of 2.5 in the metropolitan area and the second step in the non-metropolitan area for another six days until the 3rd of next month.

It means that the number of new confirmed cases will no longer increase rapidly, and additional hospital beds will be secured, so that we will see the effects of special quarantine measures during the year-end and New Year holidays.

Reporter Jeong Da-eun reports.

<Reporter> The

day before yesterday (26th), 970 new corona19 confirmed patients were added and fell below 1,000 again in three days.

The average daily number of confirmed cases in Korea for the past week was 999, which in fact met the three-stage upgrade criteria, but the government decided to extend the current distancing measures to January 3, next year by 6 days.

The government evaluated that efforts to block COVID-19, such as social distancing, and the speed of spread of the epidemic remain in balance.

[Kwon Deok-cheol/Minister of Health and Welfare: We are responding by continuing to expand quarantine and medical response capabilities to the current level of incidence of patients, and it is difficult to see it as a limit.]

First, the infection reproduction index in the metropolitan area dropped from 1.27 to 1.07 last week.

After confirmation, the number of patients waiting at home decreased from more than 500 at one time to 96, and it was a positive sign that up to 164 critically ill beds were secured.

Also, from the 19th to the 20th, the number of mobile phone movements in the metropolitan area recorded the lowest level at about 24.44 million, and he decided to observe the effects of special quarantine measures.

It also seems to have taken into account the economic damage to be incurred in the case of the third stage upgrade.

[Sheep mother/restaurant operation: labor costs are also problematic...

How much is the labor cost of 5 employees, but is there anything that can be done by applying for 1 million won?

Eopjanahyo even the jaw.]

If only the order in a fast food restaurant desserts and drinks packaging and delivery only allowed, and preventative measures such as enforcing the ban and ban sales Hold'em Pub seat unattended cafes across the country are strengthened.