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educational authorities are also in emergency ahead of tomorrow's (3rd) college entrance exam.

As of yesterday, 37 of the test takers were confirmed, and 430 were self-isolated.

Reporter Choi Ho-won on the report.


More than 49,3,400 people took the SAT this year.

As the number of corona 19 confirmed cases has reached around 500 a day, the group infection of test takers is the most concerned.

Tomorrow, candidates will be tested for fever when they enter the test site.

If you have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher, or you have suspected symptoms of COVID-19, such as coughing or sore throat, you will take the SAT in a separate testing room in the testing room.

You must wear a mask inside the laboratory.

It is advisable to prepare a spare mask just in case.

Partitions were installed in front of the desk.

In addition, for quarantine, ventilation is provided by opening a window between one period.

Depending on the region, the temperature may drop below freezing tomorrow morning, so it is recommended to bring a thick coat.

Education authorities have requested that candidates with suspected symptoms of Corona 19 must report to the health authorities even today.

[Park Baek-beom/Vice Minister of Education: If you have any specific matters, please visit the public health center and tell them that you are an applicant for the SAT, and follow the guidance of the public health center and city office of education.

As of yesterday, 35 of the 37 confirmed candidates will take the test, and they take the test at 25 hospitals and 4 life treatment centers nationwide, with supervisors wearing quarantine uniforms watching.

For the 404 self-isolation test takers, tomorrow morning, they will take a family vehicle or 119 ambulance to the test site exclusively for the quarantine before taking the test.