
Click> Time.

The SAT exam came two days ahead.

A little girl from Incheon prepared a special event for her sister and brother.


Click> The first search term is "I'm eating candy".

A note was posted next to the elevator in an apartment in Incheon before the SAT.

There are five candies on the bottom.

On a crooked note, it reads, "My older brothers and sisters taking the SAT test! I had a lot of trouble for a year. Take a good look at the test! I'll be quieter this week."

There was also a speech bubble next to the candy saying'I'll eat this and stick to it'.

The test takers who received special support from the apartment kid sent a reply here again.

Where the three candies of the kid disappeared, other snacks appeared instead, and "I'll work hard to get good energy and get good results." There was also a note saying, "Thank you for your support. I'll eat candy and stick to it!"

Netizens responded, "You're sweeter than candy. It's warm."

(Screen source: Twitter jin_ju_uuu)