How to calculate a distance of 20 kilometers as the crow flies with Google Maps -


With the alleviation of confinement announced Tuesday by Emmanuel Macron, there is the possibility, from Saturday, to move for the purpose of walk or physical activity within a radius of 20 km from their home for a period of 3 hours.

Difficult to get a precise idea of ​​what it corresponds to.

Fortunately, with Google Maps, it is possible to represent this radius of 20 kilometers.

The web version of Google Maps

Google's mapping service makes it possible to calculate a distance as the crow flies.

All you have to do is go to the Google Maps site and locate your home.

Click on it to reveal a pawn.

Then right click on it and press "Measure distance".

How to calculate a distance of 20 kilometers as the crow flies with Google Maps - geeko

You can then select another point on the map to measure the exact distance between these two points.

Drag the second point to reach the 20 km distance limit and get an idea of ​​everything within a 20 km radius of your home.

How to calculate a distance of 20 kilometers as the crow flies with Google Maps - geeko

Google Maps on smartphone

The tool is also available on the mobile version of Google Maps.

The operation is the same on the app;

select your home to make a pawn appear, press it, then “Measure a distance”.

Then slide your finger on the screen to reach 20 kilometers or make sure that this or that place is within the limited radius.

Obviously, this 20 km limit only concerns walks and the practice of a sport.

In some cases, it is possible to exceed the limit, for example to go to work when telecommuting is not possible.

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  • Mobile app

  • Coronavirus

  • High Tech

  • Deconfinement

  • Application

  • Google

  • Google maps