A mother who killed her daughter, who had been suffering from schizophrenia for a long time, was sentenced to imprisonment at the first trial.

According to the court on the 9th, the 13th Criminal Division of the Seoul Southern District Court (Director Judge Shin Hyeok-jae) sentenced Mr. A to four years in prison for murdering his daughter.

The judge said, "The defendant infringed upon the life of human beings irreplaceable by anything, resulting in irreparable serious consequences." He explained the reason for the sentencing.

Mr. A quit his job when his daughter, who was a junior high school student, became sick with schizophrenia and other diseases, and took care of her daughter for 23 years, and her daughter's symptoms did not improve despite continuous nursing and treatment. .

The lawyer claimed that Mr. A had a mental and physical weakness, such as suffering from'burnout syndrome' at the time, and accidentally committed the crime.

However, the court did not admit to the lawyer's claim, citing the fact that Mr. A said in a police investigation, "I could not kill my daughter if I had a husband, so I killed my husband when there was no husband."

However, the judge said, "As the victim's condition did not show signs of improvement despite continued efforts, it seems that he gradually weakened his mind and body, resulting in a crime." In the light of the reality that these tragic consequences are only the responsibility of the accused, he added.