A teacher in her 50's for making sexually shameful comments to a high school student was fined.

This teacher, who was sentenced to a fine of 10 million won in the first trial trial, lowered the penalty to 2.5 million won at the appeal trial in recognition of the lack of gender sensitivity required in the changing times.

A 54-year-old high school teacher was accused of giving sexual shame by telling his student, "You have a good child, so you want to be my daughter-in-law."

In addition, Mr. A was judged to have made 11 sexually inappropriate comments such as "I want to make it into a doll and hang it next to the desk and in front of the bed."

In a survey conducted by a child protection agency of other students besides the victims, content consistent with the victims' statements, such as saying that Mr. A said, "Do it as my daughter-in-law" and "I want to go to boss".

In the end, Mr. A, who was handed over to trial for violating the Child Abuse Penalty Act, claimed that he had not made the remark or that the content of the remark was distorted or exaggerated.

However, the first trial court convicted all of Mr. A's charges and imposed a fine of 10 million won.

Regarding Mr. A's claim that there was no intention of sexual abuse as a result of the course of the class, the first trial court said, "In light of the content and context of the remarks, it has exceeded the level that is accepted by social norms. I can't."

The first criminal division of the Chuncheon Tribunal of the Seoul High Court, who was in charge of the appeals trial, also judged A's allegations as guilty, saying, "There is no fault in the original judgment."

However, the penalty was lowered to 2.5 million won, considering that Mr. A acknowledged the mistake of making inappropriate remarks as a teacher and apologized to the victims, received a commendation from the superintendent of education, and sincerely worked for 10 years. Sentenced.

The judge said, "The defendant tried to get along with the students, but it seems that he was rashly committed in a state that lacked gender sensitivity required in a changing era." If you do, the elder brother of the court below is somewhat heavy and looks unfair."