
Two people died when a crane suddenly collapsed at the construction site of a highway in Yongin, Gyeonggi-do.

There was an accident while trying to separate the part that functions as an arm from the crane, and there was a statement that there was no safety device and no safety manager at the site.

Reporter Jeong Ban-seok covered it.


Construction site of the Seoul-Sejong Expressway in Cheoin-gu, Yongin, Gyeonggi-do.

Today (30th) around 9:20 am, a 200-ton mobile crane collapsed and two workers were crushed.

The 48-year-old O-mo and the 28-year-old Cambodian nationality were transferred to a hospital with cardiac arrest, but eventually died.

This is the site of the crane accident.

The 30m long crane boom suddenly sank to the ground, and the helmet and shoes used at that time remain.

The accident took place in the process of adjusting the length of the crane from 30m to 40m to put the structure on the road pier.

In order to separate the structures that act as crane arms, the moment the pins were pulled out by tapping the 1m high connection with a hammer, the structure spread apart and collapsed without losing the load.

The police estimate that an accident occurred while working without installing a thrust or auxiliary crane to support the structure.

[Construction site official: Originally, it was supposed to be hung up, and I did the stub work.

However, it seems that there was a mistake in the fact that the original pin should not be pulled out before the grotesque.]

[Kang Byeong-geun/Konkuk University Architecture Department Emeritus Professor:

It seems that the

most basic safety rules were not followed.

If the pin is pulled out without any pedestal under the long boom, it collapses.

Isn't it natural for people to be buried under it?] The

police secured a statement that the safety manager was not at the scene and are investigating the violation of safety measures.

(Video coverage: Gong Jin-gu, video editing: Park Ji-in, CG: Seo Seung-hyun)